
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Ohio Valley Branch of the International Dyslexia Association website. We have been in existence since 1978 to advocate for those individuals who are touched by dyslexia, whether child, teen, adult, or family member. We provide Scholarships for teacher training as well as work to educate and inform those in our community who touch the lives of dyslexics. We do this through our two annual conferences, outreach activities, helplines, and by partnering with other organizations.  We encourage you to join us in this mission. Until Everyone Can Read…


Dear IDA Members,
We am excited to announce that new positions are becoming available within the IDA. This is a wonderful opportunity for our members to get involved in shaping the future of our organization.

Over the next two months, we will explore new candidates to join our board, and we want to hear from you! We encourage all members to fill out the interest survey linked below. Your insights and involvement are invaluable as we enhance our leadership team.

Voting for new board members will take place in December, and this is your chance to influence the direction of the IDA. Please take a moment to express your interest and help us build a strong, diverse board.

Thank you for your continued commitment to the IDA. We look forward to your participation!

Here is the form if you are interested

Amy Heimkreiter
International Dyslexia Association
Ohio Valley Branch

Next OVB/IDA Meeting is October 6th from 6-7 pm. 

Springer School 

2121 Maddison Avenue

Cincinnati, OH 45201

Contact Carmen Mendoza at cmendoza@springer-ld.org for information about how to get to the meeting. 


Click here to Join IDA- Make sure to join our local branch Ohio Valley Branch 

Starter Membership Levels

Student Memberships for $30/Year
Designed for college and university students
A valid transcript is required for this membership level

Classroom Teacher Memberships: Free for one year
A one year membership for pre-service and classroom teachers new to IDA
Learn More or Apply

**Discounts for future IDA conferences all around the country! 

Board Member Elections:

If interested in a position or information please contact ohiovalleybranchofida@gmail.com or join our next meeting on September 11th.




Ohio Dyslexia Handbook 


Third Grade Guarantee


Dyslexia Training for Teachers


Ohio’s Dyslexia Law Information


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